Where is your office located?
Online! I am a telehealth therapist living in the northern plains of Evans, Colorado.
How long are sessions?
Sessions are 50 minutes each. You can have sessions as frequently as needed, as schedules allow.
How do I set up an initial appointment?
We will schedule your initial appointment during the free 20-minute phone consultation. Call, email, or complete the contact form below to schedule.
What is your cancellation policy?
Notify me by phone or email as soon as you know you will need to cancel a session. I ask for at least 24 hours’ notice. If your notice occurs on the same day as the appointment, you will be charged the full session fee.
With what age range do you work?
My services generally attract young adults aged 20-35. If you’re 18 or older, let’s chat.
With whom do you work?

Most of my work is with individuals, particularly women.

I am inclusive to all gender identities.

If you’re a couple in need of therapy, I will refer you to someone I trust.

What modalities do you use in your client work?
I use integrative, narrative, person-centered, strengths-based, and somatic approaches in my work. These modalities provide a framework for holistic care, empowering you to share your story (and rewrite it), focusing on your strengths and cultivating a healthy connection between your mind and body.
What does a client need to know to get the most out of working with you?
I am trained in cultural diversity with sensitivity toward religious/spiritual identity and trauma. I am continually learning from my clients, personal studies, and professional development hours required to maintain my license.
Why is your practice called “Mind Spirit Wings”?

I love this question! One summer day in 2018, the name came to me while I was writing at my home in Boulder. I think it perfectly captures my mission: holistic care for integrating the mind, body, and soul.

Fun fact: “MSW” are my credentials and my initials. It’s all connected!

Why did you choose social work?

Social work was my path to counseling, which began in 2011 when I had my “lightbulb” moment.

Social work provides a framework for real-world problems, looking at human behavior in the context of one’s environment. I enjoy a variety of topics within social work, including crisis and coping, social systems and justice, generational trauma, and death and dying.

Mountains or ocean?
Both! I wish there was a way to have both at the same time here in Colorado. I love hiking in the mountains and sitting by any body of water.
Spring or fall?
Both! However, there is nothing like the feeling of fall to me. I enjoy seeing the Aspens change color, drinking hot tea, making soup, and being cozy by a fire. I also like the symbolism of fall – of letting go and going inward.